
Releasing GOAP approach and first GDScript based datastructure

The last few weeks I have been working on a prototype system based on GOAP (Goal-Oriented-Action-Planning), which is a system for game AI allowing agents to formulate a list of actions from an action pool given to them to fulfill a set of goals. Creating it was mostly fun, albeit sometimes frustrating, but in the end I am proud of what I have accomplished. Instead of doing the sensible thing and start working on a game utilizing this system, I have started working on other things. Just letting bitrot get to the code would be a shame, so I decided to build an example project and release the code.

You can find it here.

The GOAP code uses a priority queue datastructure, which I have decided to release again separately. You can find it here.


Hello, World.

The purpose of this blog is to post about my hobby, video game development. I will mainly try to use this as a means of amassing progress to motivate myself to keep going, seeing how far I've come and maybe to be a lesson for others. Only time can tell.

Please note that this is supposed to be strictly about gamedev. My personal life should never be the focus of any post.
I do not plan on following anyone else through this; follow-for-follow suggestions will be ignored.
I do not guarantee any regularity nor quality of posts.
I am open for questions through comments, however I can not guarantee a timely response, if any. I will try to answer to the best of my knowledge and abilities though.

Overall I am glad you are here and I hope what you find here will help you in your endeavours.